Sunday, February 28, 2010

Norman Running Routes

Finding a quality and safe place to run in Norman sometimes seems like a nightmare. One website makes mapping a run more simple. provides running routes throughout Norman provided by local runners. However there are a few helpful hints runners should know about the routes.
Runs listed on the site include distances from half of a mile to over 30 miles, but some have issues. For instance, part of the route for a six-mile run included running through trees and what can be assumed as a dirt trail. This is an issue if it has just rained or if you are a pavement runner. Also some runs include streets that do not have sidewalks. This can be hazardous to the night runner or if the street has high traffic.
Having a map for local running routes will save a runner a lot of time and effort. However, do research on the routes before hitting the pavement. Remember it is the general public who posting these routes, not running experts.

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